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Old 12-20-2010, 04:19 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Furbaby Friend View Post
I'm going to make a repost here of another post I made in a previous thread regarding vet authority...

"I don't see how people can neglect researching things when they have the time! Research is important! ::sigh:: Okay so you don't actually want to read up? Well don't call the expert breeders here less than intelligent because some random [COLOR=green ! important][COLOR=green ! important]vet[/COLOR][/COLOR] told you otherwise. Here let me make an analogy for you... (edit)

A vet is like a primary care doctor. A primary care doctor can tell you a lot of stuff because they went to medical school and such, BUT a *good* doctor refers you a a specialist when they are out of their league.

So moving along, you become pregnant. Where do human women go when they are preggers? When they need prenatal care? Birthing care? After care? What about after care for the baby? A primary care physician? Nope, they go to a gynecologist for their own prenatal care, birthing, and personal after care because gynecologists have the specific knowledge and went for extra specialized schooling to get more info on that specific field. Babies eventually go to a *pediatrician* and not a primary care [COLOR=green ! important][COLOR=green ! important]physician[/COLOR][/COLOR] until they are old enough to because children are also a special case to deal with.

Therefore, I'd say the breeders here as FAR better equipped than a primary care vet and especially more than an emergency vet.

Ever been to the emergency room? Well I have, quite a bit actually, due to my health complications (allergies/asthma/etc.) The release papers ALWAYS tell you to follow up with your primary because they know more about you and your history and are more equipped to handle your personal situation. Docs in ERs actually hardly know anything if whatever is wrong with you isn't easy to pinpoint either. They often tell you to follow up elsewhere.

My two sense is I'd trust the breeders here to know their stuff, especially about Yorkies because that is what they dedicate their LIVES to. Your vet is dedicated to a wide array of animals and I'm sure doesn't have room in their head to know everything there is to know about all of them. Unless you went to a specialized vet, which it doesn't seem like you did. I'd trust the people here...

That's just my opinion though I guess, but my experience in life, logic, and simple analogy tells me it is a good one. ::shrug::"

Moving right along. If you were referring to Mardelin, which is who you quoted in that post, you are off your rocker and have definitely NOT done enough reading here AT ALL. I'm not even looking to be a breeder, but I've read enough posts involving Mardelin to know that they are experienced, smart, and intelligent. Gosh darn it, if I was going into breeding I'd KILL to have Mardelin as my mentor. Mardelin cares about ALL dogs, obviously even those that are not their own after reading so many posts where they helped out, and would never "use" them. So you'd do well to respect instead of insult when asking for advice and getting it.
Why on earth would you dig up a thread that is 4 months old. these puppies have no doubt already gone to their new homes.
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