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Old 12-06-2010, 09:40 AM   #20
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Default What the?????????????

If you were seriously thinking that your lady friend had two little furkids that you could just toss aside, then I hope you never marry her. Or she you!! What if she had 2 kids, one a little fat and the other skinny. One whines and the other just sits there being an overweight couch potatoe. Would you just call their grandma and say "Ok. I love (?) your daughter, but....I don't like these kids so will you take them for the next few years until I get my head screwed back on?" I think NOT!!!

Message to your fiancee: RUN!! Do not walk!! RUN as fast as you can. One of you are going to lose, and I hope it's him. He is going to make your life miserable. Think about it. If you do have children with this man, what will he do to them or say about them???

The more people I meet... The more I love my dogs!!!
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