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Old 11-09-2010, 01:30 PM   #16
Action Jackson ♥
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Oh gosh... I'm going to have to think about this. Jackson does a lot of really funny things.

When we visit my dad's house with their 2 dogs, they all often want the SAME thing, either a bone, or a toy, etc. Sometimes, he will act like he sees something outside and start barking so all the dogs get up running and someone will let them out the door (into the backyard) but Jackson stays inside, and RUNS to the bone or toy that another dog was chewing and begins happily chewing it while the other two are outside barking their heads off at nothing. LOL.

Jackson knows WAY too many words. Like I can't even speak in regular conversation without him understanding much of what I am saying. Certain phrases and things, etc. Example, I call my grandma Maw Maw, so I can be talking to my mom and say "Oh, Maw Maw is coming over" and Jackson will go running to the front door looking for her. I can look at him and simply say "Emma (sister) is home" and he also goes looking for her. Things like that. He knows a lot of names, including those of his doggy friends, like Nala, Lily and Bandit, etc.

Jackson also watches TV often. It doesn't always have to even be other animals, but usually he's most interested in other dogs on TV. He will sit there and just watch, and follow it with his eyes. It keeps his focus for a good 5 minutes usually. He's trying to figure out how that dog got into the TV, LOL.

In agility class, he once (during off leash after class play time) ran into the tunnel to get away from another dog because he KNEW the dog refused to go into the tunnel, lol. This was in the early classes.
~ Brit & Lights! Camera! Jackson! CGC ETD TKP ~
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