Thread: Tiny baby girl
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Old 12-10-2005, 10:57 AM   #9
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Indianapolis Indiana
Posts: 815

[QUOTE=livingdustmops][QUOTE=wnalegria]Our society has become a disposable society.

In rescue we always started with the ideal situation because we wanted what was best for the dog. Some of these little ones had already been thrown away once, twice and in some cases three or more times in less than a year. Did we always get that? No, but we sure wanted a starting point. We could always tell when someone just wanted a "Yorkie Fix" and really didn't think about the long term affects on the dog. Some of our best adoptions were not with the Ideal Situation but these people proved they could give a wonderful forever home to one of our rescues. It is a starting point for discussions and it lets us know how sincere people really are and what their knowledge is about Yorkies. In our rescue we also wouldn't adopt to someone who was too old unless they wanted one of our elderly dogs, again we didn't think it was fair to the dog to have to find a new home after 5 years because the person passed on. As many of you know all of my dogs were throw aways and not always from bad people but just bad situations. I hope people understand I was talking in generalizations about the Ideal Situation.

I use rescue to help me place older gals or just babies/adults that are sent to me cause people know I have yorkies. Last gal I placed with rescue- I sent her new mom to rescue. A lovely older person who fell in love with my gal. It was a win win situation for the two of them. It makes me feel good when I hear from this older person and the joy and hapiness these two old timers are sharing in their golden years.
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