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Old 09-15-2010, 01:29 PM   #6
♥Max & Lily♥
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I don't have any advice on the cost of a puppy or references on breeders. I do however, have 2 rescues. I adopted a yorkiepoo at 4 years old and a yorkie at 6 months old. They are now 6 years and 1 yr, respectively. With rescues, there are sometimes an issue of a history or past, but most rescues are placed with foster parents and they could tell you about the dog's personality or if the dog is a good fit for you. Max has some social issues but is mostly a momma's boy and Lily is the sweetest thing ever...she wouldn't hurt a fly. Adopting a rescue can be very rewarding....its something about knowing that you are giving them a second chance at a happy, loving life. I believe they know it too...they have so much love to give us.

I also have advice on being a single parent and having a dog. The cost to purchase a puppy is one thing. It can be quite costly when you start thinking about premium food and treats, grooming, vet bills, monthly flea & tick (not over the counter Hartz) and heartworm prevention. If you are looking for a smaller sized yorkie, be prepared for a lot of vet bills because they are very fragile.

I'm not trying to discourage you but I think a lot of people buy a dog not realizing the true cost and commitment it takes. Hence the overpopulation in shelters.
My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton

Lesley, Maximilian & Lily Rae
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