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Old 09-12-2010, 11:28 AM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Roseville, Ca
Posts: 31
Tongue I'm BACKKK! With a lot of questions please help!

I haven't been logged on for a while now because Suki has just been such a hand full. =]

When I first joined Suki was only 2 months old. She is now 5 months. =]

Lately Suki has been enjoying the water =]. Every time I'm taking a shower she insists on coming with me to the bathroom. Once I get into the shower . She jumps right in, to take a shower with me. If I leave her out she cries and whines. She loves the water! I'm just worried that with the number of times she does this in a week is it bad for her to shower that much?

Secondly, Suki is not potty trained yet and I know this has been a topic discussed a lot on YT. I've tried everything. Crate training didn't work because she howls to get out and I try to keep her quiet by putting the blanket over the cage. I also read somewhere that when your dog cries to get out you should use tone pitches to let her know that what she is doing is bad. I tried that, that didn't work. I also tried spraying water but she just runs up to lick it. ()_^... I also take her outside in the morning for about an hour to where she has no choice but to go outside but as soon as she comes in she pees. My first yorkie wasn't this hard to train. I've also tried to minimize her potty breaks. For example after she eats I wait for a couple minutes then I take her outside but it always ends up that her potty breaks are more than once after she eats. I need ideas I'm running out. I've also done this, when she's about to get into pooping position or if she's sniffing I take her out right away .. Still doesn't work =/

I also took her to her first hair cut and Suki hated it. The ladies at the grooming place said that she was borderline bad and that if she was worse she wouldn't be able to come back. =/

I have no idea where I went wrong in disciplining her. I'm trying everything to correct her from being a brat but I have no idea where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions. Please all of this would help!
。◕‿◕。 SukiGirl10 。◕‿◕。

Last edited by SUKIGIRL10; 09-12-2010 at 11:31 AM.
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