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Old 09-09-2010, 08:19 AM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default First day of daycare

I finally did it...I let my baby girl out of my sight!

One day each week, I take my children about 50 miles north for a day of homeschool enrichment/performing arts classes. Because we travel so far, and their classes are for about 8 hours, it easily makes for a 12+ hour day. Skye goes to daycare with her trainer (she's a big dog and hangs out with her big dog friends all day). But, with Milli being so little, I've always taken her with me. The place where the kids take classes has been perfectly supportive of her being there and everyone just adores her. But, now that Milli is older and more alert she's become a bit of a distraction. I felt it was wise to put her in daycare. Luckily enough (I thought!) there's a doggie daycare just across the street. We took Milli there yesterday morning for her daycare evaluation.

The daycare owner spent a few minutes allowing Milli to explore the room. Milli was very frightened of this new place - new smells, dogs barking in the background, new people. Shortly, she brought in two small, very well behaved dogs to greet Milli. But Milli was frightened and didn't want to greet them. The daycare owner spent about 15 minutes observing Milli and told us that she didn't think Milli would 'fit in' there...that she's too frightened and not 'outgoing' enough to fit in a daycare environment. I was a bit crushed. My baby failed an evaluation??? She was frightened...but I thought the daycare owner just didn't give her enough time to settle in and acclimate. She explained that she doesn't have time to do behavior modification. I understand...but, I was still amazed that she didn't give Milli more time.

I came back across the street to my computer and researched other daycare options locally. I found another daycare, called them to ask questions, and took her over there for a trial run. They were happy to have her in their 'day camp' and said she did just fine. She even played with a toy poodle and a bichon! The daycare even gave us yesterday's daycare free AND sent Milli home with the cutest little 'report card' from her 'camp counselor' telling us all about her day!

It was a roller coaster day for me but Milli seemed happy. I'm happy that she's getting some socialization and that her new daycare seems like a good environment for her!
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