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Old 08-15-2010, 10:17 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by YorkieProud View Post
Once again a very informative post. Thanks.

I totally agree with this. With what you are experiencing, you came here as a newbie to help others who may be looking to add another member to their family. That is so wonderful of you. We all understand what you mean about how much Scooter gives to you. There is no way we can fully describe the love and life our babies bring to us. Unless you have experienced it or given yourself completely and selflessly to love and protect your little one, I don't think you can fully understand. I know you have given Scooter unconditional love and protection, and he has given that back to you and has changed your life. He sounds so special. I've had four Yorkies in my adult life and many, many other dogs growing up. I definitely think they taught me to love with a completely open heart. We lost our first Yorkie seventeen years ago and adopted Ashley a couple of months later. She was lonely, so we adopted Kiwi and few months later. A year later, the breeder that we got Ashley from had a six and a half month old puppy named Amazin' Gracie that she had kept to breed. She knew she was very tiny, but she already loved her personality, and she was so beautiful and perfect that she kept her hoping she would get big enough to breed. Luckily for us, Gracie didn't even make three pounds, so her breeder asked us if we could take her. She knew the care a tiny dog would need, so she didn't want to sell her. She gave us Gracie, knowing full well that Gracie would receive all of the special care and love she needed. We lost Gracie and Kiwi a few years ago within four months of each other. After losing two so close together, we were too devastated to bring another puppy into our lives at that time. We waited too long, and Ashley got used to living the life of a princess. She had that life beforehand with her sisters too, but she got used to receiving 100% of our love. It needed to be just her. During the days when I was at work, Ashley stayed home with my husband, but otherwise she went everywhere with me. Up until a few days before she died, we walked together at least a couple of miles a day. At first, I carried her most of the time because I worried about it being too much for her. Her doctor kept urging me to let her walk if she wanted to, so I gradually increased her walking. The last year of her life, Ashley was walking 2 miles a day, weather permitting. She passed away two months ago, one month before she would have been seventeen. I haven’t walked since. Without her, there doesn’t seem to be any purpose for me. I completely came alive when Ashley and I walked together because I would see her so happy and animated. She also loved going anywhere she could see people. I would drive places and even took her shopping. I wear mostly the same brand of clothing because their stores are dog friendly and she could go there with me. It has been a few years since we lost Kiwi and Gracie, and it is still painful for my husband and me. But mostly, when we think about them and we talk about them (which is very often), a complete feeling of joy overtakes our hearts. They brought so much to our lives, and it is so worth the pain. With Ashley, the pain is very intense right now, but she and her sisters changed our lives. With everything that we have gone through with them, we are certain that we will be adding a couple of babies to our family again. They give so much and make our homes so much warmer and happier, and our lives are so much better because of them. I’m sorry this is so long; I didn’t want this to be about me. I just wanted to say that I understand and completely agree about what you are saying about Scooter. I truly hope he can stay with you a lot longer and not be in pain. It hurts so much to see them lethargic and not eating. I will be praying for Scooter and your family. I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but I'm so glad that Scooter wound up in your family because you have given him such a loving, happy life. I know how much better he made your lives too.
Lisa and Katie

Ashley 6/10, Gracie 2/04, Kiwi 10/03, and Jolie 7/93 .
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