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Old 12-06-2005, 07:54 AM   #33
YT 1000 Club Member
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Originally Posted by rnnw62
I agree too many people now days allow their children to act like animals.
I speak up too...It's not my problem if people don't know how to handle
their kids and I am not going to be incovenienced because of it. I have had kids literally crawling over the partitions in restaurants and the parent's just smiling at me like they are proud. I also one time had a kid throw a straw
over they were chewing on that landed on my plate and needless to say
those parent's really got an ear full. I am not some old bag by any means
but give me a break teach your kids manners. Don't think another thought
about if what you said was within your right or not because I am sure
many people are thanking you for saying something. There needs to be
more people that are less tolerant in my opinion...

I have to give you the "I agree with you 100%" thumbs up! The world's become graceless...and as a Server in restaurants over the years...I can only say its gotten worse. Maybe parents should stop trying to be their kid's "buddy"...and start being the role model to their children...they are after all...the future...and as much as we are irritated by the rude social skills of children...the adult world is far less forgiving...

I've had a mother actually endanger her letting her two year old child run around the restaurant and stand in front of the door to the kitchen where other servers slammed in and out of it with heavy trays laden with hot food. When I mentioned to her that she needed to have her child seated for her own protection...the woman muttered to her companion about my "rudeness"...and ignored my plea...I finally had to literally pick the child up and hold it in front of her...and say..."RUDE waiter...HEALTHY child...NICE waiter....CRIPPLED child...Take Your Pick! Geesh...apparently her shoe style discussion was more important than parenting...

I'm from a family of fourteen...and I can only mom and dad spent a LOT of time out in the foyer of the church when we were niblets....not to mention the well placed cuff on the head of the older ones if we acted up...

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