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Old 08-02-2010, 09:26 AM   #173
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by MadDeDo View Post
As for the comparisons to dogs and children, there is none. They are a different species entirely and have a completely different brain capacity and understanding. Although we do LOVE them like they are our children, they are still animals and in no way the same. A baby would not be left alone, and a baby cries to tell you something is wrong or needed. You wouldn't leave a baby alone in an apartment, and you wouldn't leave a baby to scream because their cries are to signal something. However, leaving a dog by his/herself is another ballgame entirely. Sure, dogs do bark to signal things and tell you what they want and/or need, but they also bark just to do it. A dog can be left alone for several hours with everything that they need: bed, toys, food/water, potty pads, etc. and they will be perfectly fine when you get back home. Not even in the same CATEGORY as a child.
I agree. As much as I love Sophie, and goodness how I do, she is not the same as a human child. True, I often pick her up and nuzzle my nose into her fur and kiss her again and again and say out loud, "I'm your mommy and I'm going to love you for your whole life because you're my baby girl." Lol, yes, I actually say that to her.
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