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Old 08-02-2010, 09:21 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by yorkiepuppie View Post
i have absolutely no idea why this is a situation where the ONLY option available is

1) de-bark
2) re-home

why is everyone saying those are the only options????

i don't have time to read this thread today, i will take a look tomorrow to see what i missed and why some people are saying re-home and de-bark are the only options available.

to the OP. i am not trying to judge you. (if you felt that i was judging you i am sorry) i feel very bad for you that you have to make a decision like this. and honestly i am very scared that sophie might get debarked. but yes, people WILL judge you if you debark your dog, it's human nature to judge, and people have good reasons to be against de-barking dogs. i dont' think you are a bad owner, if you were, you wouldn't make a thread to ask about it, you would have just done it.

best of luck to you in your search for a rental house. i know this is very hard on you right now with all the stress about your neighbor complaining, but it's not the end of the world, it's temporary. if you can, communicate with them, let them know you are working on resolving the problem. if i were your neighbor, and you told me that you are contemplating debarking your dog. i would tell you i am sorry i complained, i didn't mean to stress you out so much that you consider debarking your dog. hope your neighbor is understanding and will cut you a break. (most people are understanding i think if you communicate with them)
thank you :-)
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