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Old 07-10-2010, 07:29 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by nana911 View Post
As god is my witness, I am well over 1/2 a century old and I have seen chunked, diced, halved, but I can't recall ever seeing canned shredded. If I can find it, is that no more than once per day? and I thank you, I've never had anybody advise me on an amount...
I always suggest that you should feed the chunks as a treat. All dogs are different in the amount of pineapple that is needed to change the enzymes to stop the poop eating. You can start with 1 piece of pineapple before each meal and increase from there. It will take several DAYS for you to even notice a difference as the intestines need to clear out of all undigested food and be replaced with pineapple added food. It's not a one day process and those that say it didn't work for them IMO did not give the pineapple enough time to work. At first you will notice they might still want to pick up the poop and hold it in their mouth or they might even show interest. If this happens just increase to a piece or 2 more during the day. Just watch how they react after pooping if they are interested or not in trying to eat it or play with it. Sometimes they will pick it up and move it for "safe keeping" but will not eat it. Their interest will become less over time if it is no longer tasty. Once you find the amount that caused them to stop eating it continue to be consistent and feed to daily or they might go back to eating it again.

It really does work! One member had a little rescue from a mill and she would spin and eat her poop before it hit the ground. But sadly this is very much a mill dogs way of keeping their cage clean. Her foster mom was absolutely grossed out by her behavior. Pineapple to the rescue. If a spinning poop eating mill rescue can be taught with pineapple to stop eating poop that is huge! She is now a NON poop eater
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