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Old 03-30-2005, 03:33 PM   #4
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I know how you feel and I feel exactly the same about this subject.I wish we could post about this for the world to see and stop people from buying from these so called breeders that seem to have amazing,super rare,super tiny,super wonderful,super baby faced yorkies!! All of which cost thousands!!! Its outrageous because non of the above even exist The first thing I was told back when I joined my first yorkie forum was "there is NO such thing as a t-cup yorkie"..but since then I have seen more and more fancy names and more and more people searching for these fantasy yorkies! It DOES sound great when you see an ad that says "super tiny micro t-cup,so tiny that you can take it everywhere"..but if we all do a reality check,what are we trying to buy here? A yorkie,or a cell phone?? A yorkie is a toy breed,its already doesnt need to be made pocket sized because its already one of the smallest breeds there is.If you are looking for anything smaller,then maybe a dog isnt the pet for you?.A yorkie is a companion,a friend..its not a compliment or something you use to draw attention to your self in the street.Unfortunately these "tiny" breeders know how many people there are out there who are looking for something "cute" or something small that wont frighten the kids,and they thrive off of people who have no idea about yorkies or the breed standard.I guess everyones job is to inform others and try to stop this from happening and to stop breeders from charging thousands for yorkies that are bred to be so small that they have life long problems and only cause heart ache and sorrow for their new owners.There are so many ways to see through certain breeders,big red flags are all over certain just have to learn to pick out the lies.

PS:The reason I am against tiny yorkies is because I have a full grown 2lb yorkie and she is fragile..I would NEVER have thought about breeding her..not in my wildest dreams..but there are breeders out there who DO breed yorkies her size.When they are so small,you can never stop worrying about hypoglycemia,you have to have eyes in the back or your head,and you have to be SO careful with kids etc..and all this is with the healthy ones!! Can you imagine what a pregnancy can do to a dog this size??? I dont even like to think about it!

Last edited by Chelsie1978; 03-30-2005 at 03:37 PM.
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