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Old 06-20-2010, 06:45 AM   #7
Baby Pepper
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Originally Posted by Shorkielover View Post
A week ago, while I was out at the park, my 10 month old puppy, Mocha was attacked by a jack russel terrier. We were just about to finish up our walk when this dog, ran up to Mocha and started attacking him, grabbed/bit him in his neck, then, on his lower back just below where his rib cage ends. I was trying to get the jack russell off my poor baby, when I realized that he (the jack) didn't have any tags on. I thought to myself, you don't know if this dog has its shots or not, don't stick your hand down there to seperate them and possibly get bit, so I started kicking the other dog off my dog, all the while I'm yelling at the owner to get her dog. She stood there, "screaming, oh my God, he's never done this before, we're trying to teach him not to bark at others" I finally got her dog off my mine and handed my dog to friend to hold while I checked Mocha over. Once I checked him for visible blood, I turned to the other owner and asked her for her name and contact number and whether or not he dog had all its shots or not. She reassured me that it had all of its shots because she just rescued him from the Humane Society. She gave me her info and I told her needs to have better control of her dog. Too make an already long story, short, lol, I got home told my husband, about incident and he said call Animal Control to report the attack. I called and low and behold, the woman had lied! She gave me a fake name and contact info.

Moving ahead in the story, two days after the incident, Mocha stopped eating and became unresponsive in the sense that when I would call him he wouldn't come, which is unlike him. I knew immediately something was wrong. I took him to the ER vet, where they ran tests on him. His BUN and CRE levels came back elevated. I became worried because his levels have always been great. The ER vet said to he had a stomach full of gas, lymph nodes were swollen and kidney levels were concerning and she sent me home with antibiotic.

The following day I recieved a phone call from an officer and my primary vet inquiring about the incident. The officer came out and questioned me about the incident and took the ladies info, altough it was false. While the officer was there we discovered three puncture wounds just below the rib cage. I gasped because I had not noticed them prior to the officer's visit. I was mortified, I immediately calle my vet and told her what I found. She said bring him in. Once at the vet's office, she knew immediately why the CRE and BUN levels were up and why the lymph nodes were inflammed. The lymph nodes were inflammed to do the infection from the open wounds from the bites. The other dog had bitten Mocha hard enough that he (jack) bruised Mocha's kidney. Trauma to the kidneys can raise the CRE levels for a short time. The antibioitic was working, the lymph nodes are no longer swollen and Mocha's back to normal puppy behavior. He's shy around other dogs still. I felt horrible knowing that he went two days with open wounds on his lil body. At the time he had a lot of fur, but I thought I did a good job checking him over. I'm thankful that he's better! Animal control (and my husband, lol) are still looking for that Jack Russel Terrier!

Whats the protocol or info to get when your dog's involved in an attack? Not that I ever want to have this experience again, but I want to be properly informed.

Sorry so long

I hope your little Baby is going to be o.k.

Don't know about protocols, but sure hope, I will never find myself and Pepper in a situation like yours. I would probably try and take a photo of the attacking dog and her/his owner, with my (not so great) mobile phone. Just in case. But there is a good chance the owner might not be happy about that, especially if fake details were given (there could be a chance of OWNER attacking, too. Scary thought...)
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