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Old 06-09-2010, 01:45 PM   #14
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: sinking spring pa. usa
Posts: 95

I don't remember the name of the funky organism, the vet was looking for giarda? originally, but that was negative, she said she normally sees one or two bad things on the screen, but he had multiple ones, that's why she said instead of 10 days of flagly she wants him on for 14 days. After she was so pleased with his breathing issues and 1lb weight loss, she realized he turned 7 years old and wanted a senior lab package done, I agreed since I put everyone on a grain free diet, I was curious about any lab changes. He took his 1st pill, and that night no diarrhea, that lasted 2 days, but then he was looking ill, so I looked up flagly side effects, and he had almost all less common ones, pawing at the mouth, GI upsets, which then the diarrhea at night returned, just one loose stool at night and one during the day. He would perk up during the day, but then look ill about 2 hours after eve. meal and dose. THEN the phone call came that his labs were messed up and she was concerned about the calcium. I think it was 6.8, she said you can seizure at 6, then we repeated it, and it was 5.8, she said give some tums till I can get the pharmacy to make the correct dose. She said hypoparathyroid oftem comes from thyroid surgery and the parathyroid is accidentally removed or damaged. But Tucker doesn't fit that bill. Something's going on with this para thing, because she said she has another dog or two with it, but they are different breeds. Tucker came from a bad bad place in texas, we all know from who, he was sold as is due to a parrot jaw, and I was afraid someone would buy him and he would starve because of the jaw. He always gets into things, everytime we think the yard is stripped of anything he could put in his mouth, he shocks me by bringing in a stone or something. At the present time there is no diarrhea, and I picked his beef flavored calcium up and he had one dose. I can't wait till friday's lab work. He will need routine labs to see where he's at with the calcium. Vet said too much is harmful also. I think it's hard on the kidneys. I think, I am reading and hearing so much I'm confused. But again any input is greatly appreciated. Tracey
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