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Old 06-08-2010, 10:46 PM   #10
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Default new baby

I like all your questions and YT is a great place to get them answered. When we brought Belle home at 12 weeks we had a small crate for her to sleep in and be in when we had to be gone for awhile. I keep her crate next to our bed and the first night she started barking and crying. I tapped on the crate door and told her no and in about 10 minutes she was sleeping. I also had a "corn pack" that I heated iin the microwave and put under her blankets. She would lay on that next to her cuddle bear. The heat reminded her of her mom. Then I remembered when we had our Min. Schnauzer I use to cover her crate at night. It not only kept the drafts out but for some reason it works like a bird. When you cover their crate they don't make any noise. Worked like magic and we still use it today as Belle is 19 months. When I would hear her fuss at night, I'd take her out and put her on her potty pad and she'd pee, then right back to bed. She was sleeping through the night in less than a month. (becareful though, they learn quickly how to use that to get your attention) I bought a tube of high sugar content gel at the pet store to keep on hand in case of hypoglaysemia (sp) in case she did not eat enough or played to much. I would feed Belle 3 or 4 times a day and when she was done or after 10 minutes I took the food up. Some foods turn bad if you leave it sit out. I have never left food or water in her crate at night. Give her a potty treat after she potties and that should keep her going until morning. One thing about the pack and plays, they are great for keeping the puppy up and safe but I would never leave Belle in it when we were not at home or at night. Most have mesh sides and they can chew or claw holes in there and get their head caught and strangle. I use ours when I am vacuuming or doing something I don't really need Belle's help with, although she's always eager! Be very careful about taking him out in the grass where other dogs have been. I never let Belle in any area where dogs peed. I lost one dog to parvo and it's horrible. Wait until he's had all his puppy shots and the vet okays the parvo. Also, just a tip I have always done and still do with Belle. When I take her to the vet, I take her blanket with an put it on the table before I sit her there. I know they wipe the vet tables off but we have no way of knowing what another dog was treated for. Guess I'm paranoid from working in the ER at the hospital. Hope you got most of your questions answered. If I can help with anything else let me know. I have all kinds of hints and home made toys I came up with for Belle. Good luck and welcome to YT and mommyhood.
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