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Old 06-05-2010, 02:38 PM   #31
Yorkie Yakker
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Posts: 51
Default ::update::

Hi everyone and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
I went to the vets office today at 1pm to find out how she did thru the IV dialysis. She did very well and ended up getting a liter of it. When she brought her out to me, she looked much better and was very happy to see me. I held her and kissed her, ended up setting her down to see if she regained any of her energy, and she took off at a steady gallop all thru the office!!! lol!!! I chuckled as seeing this warmed my heart. This was the little one I've known and loved for so long. While speaking with the vet, I asked again about her prognosis since so many things I've read led me to believe that she was in the last stages of this disease. She told me that she ISN'T, but she is close. I still have some time with her and that was what I have longed to hear since this started a few days ago. I've cried and beat myself up over this since I am her mom and obviously missed the signs. I blamed myself and her doctor since she's had other health issues and has been to the vet several times recently. Then, someone on here told me that the signs are sometimes so vague that it could be missed until they're in full-blown failure. That did help in reading that since I had already begun the process of pointing fingers, even at myself.
I have her home now since her treatment is done. I fed her some boiled chicken with brown rice and added some Omega3 fish oil to it since that seems to be good for dogs in renal failure. She managed to eat pretty well and has held it down thus far. That was several hours ago. I also have it set up with her vet to go in the beginning of next week for training on how to administer this IV treatment that gets done at home. She also suggested putting her on an iron supplement since this will make her anemic so I need to find out from her how much of that to give her. Other than all of this, I'm going to do all that I can for her. Right now, she is resting and her bubbly demeanor has subsided once again. I've had to carry her outside and then back in again. I'm trying to figure out if it's me making her lazy or if she really is too sick to get up and go outside!!! lol! Believe me, she knows how to put on the sympathy act and make me run to cater to her!!! LOL! She's pretty smart! Either way, I don't mind doing it. I just wish I knew if she really feels that bad. I thought this IV would keep her going for a longer amount of time than just a few hours.
Thank you all again!! You're all fantastic people and I feel blessed by you at this terrible time.
I'll keep you posted on her. I will need strength and prayer to get thru this. She'll be the 1st dog that I have EVER lost and I'm terrified of how I'm going to handle it.
God Bless you all...
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