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Old 05-26-2010, 08:23 PM   #84
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"Ok I remember Terry Ryan, she is several hours from me. There are behaviorists closer to me. But as I have said before I cannot afford the fees for a behaviorist at this time, and my husband also had a fit about the cost and said no way.

I called my regular vet, he is out today but will call me in the morning. But Elaine (at the clinic) says there is a vet not to far that is also a behaviorist. So I will talk to him tomorrow (my reg. vet) and see what he suggests. He has never seen Mindy. She was seen by another vet at the clinic I took her to for the spay. They were the ones who recommended having her PTS.

My whole reason for seeking out a rescue was because I CANNOT fix her. It is putting my other dogs in danger and upheaval having her here, as well as people coming into my house. My other dogs are very stressed out by her and it isn't fair to them.

If I had known she was like this I would never have agreed to taking her in. We thought it was going to be very temporary until we found a home for her and here it is 6 months later and she is worse.

Also, it costs a lot more then 100.00 to ship a dog. It's almost 200.00 plus crate, and health certificate. It ends up being close to 300.00 or more."

Call Best Freinds and get her placed there.

I do not want to hear they are full or they do not take aggression or they will not come get her arrange a pick up.

Cause I know they do and will and have all over the World.

My offer is off the table and oh a kennel her size would have to be gold plated ok maybe only silver to be 100.00 as our 400 that I bought for our 90 pounder was $78 at walmart in Wash. state the last time we had to pick one up.

Health cert. is around 50. We fly all the time all the time so the costs are well know.

If you had filled in the form and got to me with the vet number you may have been amazed at what would have happened next. I not willing to continue.
I have one that make yours look easy and she is 8 years old and happy and alive. I have CGN a dog that should have been put down.
So that leaves me open for an owner that is serious about helping their dog.

"The truth about an animal is far more beautiful than all the myths woven about it." Konrad Loranz

Last edited by YorkieMother; 05-26-2010 at 08:28 PM.
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