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Old 05-14-2010, 10:40 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Robin Lodal View Post
I try to be as careful as possible. I will be honest and say that I did have one time so far where I thought my well being was at stake and I think if I stayed one minute longer, I would've had rocks thrown at me.

I live in the heart of eastern KY and there are SO many anti-government people who feel as though the government does not care about the poor people (although they have NO problems getting a check, food stamps, free health care, etc from it). This particular house was right next door to where my hubby recently busted a marijuana grow operation in the kids' playhouse out back (later to find out they are all relatives) so it was obvious they did not want anyone "snooping" around their house for certain reasons. When I mentioned I was with the Census, their faces (a man and woman) were filled with rage and they instantly started using obsencities and were threatening me. I was so shaken up that when I was in my car (driving to back out of a long gravel road on the side of a hill) that I could not breathe which led to me not being able to feel my hands, which panicked me even more. I had immediately called my hubby b/c I was scared to death. Those people were just MEAN to me. He helped calm me down and breathe so I could back out of their driveway and he met me a few mins later at the bottom of their hill and that's when we pieced everything together on who they were.

I have also had my front bumper and fog light torn off when I was way out in the middle of nowhere b/c a lot of people live out in the sticks. I was stuck out there on a dirt road for almost 2 hours. Luckily, I had cell phone service and I was able to call my hubby who was at dispatch to find out where I was (just in case). I was able to get my bumper temporarily back on (had to take apart my fog light though) until I could take it into the shop the next day (this was all financially out of my pocket). I get 50 cents for every mile so that is supposed to cover insurance on your car, etc but I still think its a dud b/c the ONLY reason I was in this place was for work and I think someone should have done their research and given that area of the county to someone with a truck or bigger vehicle (I just have a car).

Another time I was parked on a hill and I had just a little bit of gas and the way my car was tilted, it thought it was out of gas.... so I had to bum gas off of the people who (luckily) had some leftover from their lawnmover...

the list goes on... I feel like I am one of those people that things just always and naturally occur to them...
That sucks!! I agree 50 cents for each mile? With gas prices the way they are that's a joke. BF drives a V8 Mustang and we live in traffic jam central. I don't know how he's making any money off that job.
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