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Old 05-13-2010, 09:36 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Posts: 795

What Brenda said was all true as far as hair care goes but many yorkie owners keep their dogs cut in a "puppy cut" which far less easier to manage than the long hair! As far as the positives go I would be here all day but I will try and list a few of my favs. The top one would be their personalities. Like people each one is unique but they all seem to be full of life, attached like glue to their owners (my 3 follow me all around the house everytime I move!) they want to be near you all the time, love to cuddle and kiss and in my opinion I have never met an animal that resembles a human personality in a furry body until I knew a yorkie! My sister's 5 year old yorkie understands complete sentences without her moving a muscle and my best friend's 5 year old 2.5lb little girl is like Rachel mcadams in the movie mean girls and will openly snub people! It's hilarious! They thrive on praise and are constantly wanting to please! A few of the downsides would be that they can be tricky to potty train and definitely would not be the breed for someone who wants a dog that acts like a dog and needs little attention! They also need to be closely watched in the first 6 months for hypoglycemia and other conditions as they grow out of puppyhood. But in my opinion the positives (which are absolutely endless) out weigh the few negatives and no breed is perfect but yorkies come pretty darn close to perfection! Yorkie owners are a breed all their own! We passionately and with abandon love our dogs and don't care who knows it or thinks we are insane! A yorkie and the right owner is a magical combo! From what you have listed this definitely sounds like this might be the breed for you! I had no yorkies a year ago and now have 3 so they are also very addictive! Good luck with your search! We are so glad you are here!
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