Thread: Tail Docking
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Old 11-29-2005, 12:39 AM   #27
wendybee's Avatar
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Originally Posted by YorkyKids
If anyone does not like the Yorkshire Terrier as it is currently bred according to the breed standard.....then why not purchase another breed. NO ONE is forcing anyone to accept tail docking. Doesn't matter if it's cosmetic or is the standard as written today. History tells us the tail was important to the Yorkshire Terrier.....they were bred to "go to ground" grabbing a tail to withdraw the dog from the hole/tunnel was the only way to retrieve the tail was docked in order to not damage a long tail by may sound cruel.....but that's the way it is. The Yorkie still today maintains those qualities of going to ground....they are still very much varmiant killers....they still have an independent nature. These are the qualities which endear them to us.....this also includes a docked tail. If one doesn't like that.....GET ANOTHER one is forcing anyone to own a docked Yorkie. JMHO

I will always dock long as the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America maintains the docking requirement in the standard. And anyone calling me to demand or even to ask for an undocked Yorkie will not get one of my dogs....period. Docking a tail is just that.....docking.....the tail at 3 or 4 days is cartiledge not bone. I've never seen any bad effects from the proper docking of a puppy tail. All of my pups just go back to nursing mamma with no ill affects. Now I do have a Yorkie with an undocked tail....she was way too tiny at even a week old to we just left it.....yes she is cute.
been on here reading all this and saying nothing, but now im going to, everyone must know that the yorkshire terrier comes from the uk were tail docking is now forbidden and rightly so, yes the reason they docked yorkie tails was because they were pulled from holes by there tails when they were working dogs, but as they arnt anymore there is no reason to dock the tail is there? yes my rosie digs holes but i wouldnt pull her by here tail and if i saw anyone doing it to a dog id have plenty to say.
i agree ear docking (i never new happened) and dew clawing should also be banned, id be most pissed if someone did it to me.
heres a pic of my rosie with her tail on show.
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