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Old 05-07-2010, 11:44 AM   #86
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Illinois
Posts: 4,603

Went and spend a few minutes with Carlo. They took his IV for Pain med off, but her still has a pain patch on, as well as an IV for Antibiotic and hydration. He did not eat this morning, but they said that is normal, so tonight they said we could make him some bland Chicken and Rice, so we will bring him that, and one of his favorite Toys (No, not Maxine). Over all, they said he is doing remarkable, and never saw a 10+ year old Mastiff in such good shape. That is really helping him recover, but he takes pain so well, it took me a bit to realize that he was sick. He regular vet called to check on us. She is the best, and said we will take it one strp at a time, if he needs Chemo after a few weeks, etc. So, keep the positive vibes coming, as he is doing well, but we have a way to go on this next journey.
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