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Old 04-21-2010, 05:58 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Nancy1999 View Post
I don't think any one thing we do will change the situation, this is a complex problem and it will take action on several fronts. I don't want anyone who isn't registering their pet dog with the AKC to feel that they haven't done their part in helping with the immense problem, but I do see hope in registering our dogs, in that pet owners and good breeders will have more of a voice in the AKC in the future. Shouldn't a part of their income come from people who love dogs, and have their best interests at heart? Furthermore, the AKC does do kennel inspections, and I hope my registration fee assisted so that they didn't have to reduce the number of inspections they did this year. Apathy is a dangerous thing, and when we no longer feel like our actions make a difference, we no longer act. When we no longer do anything the problem gets worse.
I simply didn't register him because he wasn't going to be bred. The inspection aspect of the AKC never came to mind.
I'm a firm believer that every little effort counts. If registering Kaji brings us a teeny tiny baby step closer to a small gain towards higher standards for commercial greeders, I'd be happy to do it. I know there are countless other pet owners who have registrable dogs that simply did not register their pups because of the exact same reason. "What's the point? I'm not going to breed my baby." So imagine the potential of all of these pet owners registering. That teeny tiny baby step won't be so small anymore. Just another front on our effort to bring down puppy mills. The only problem is, I don't know how the AKC works, so I don't know if that would even work.
Littlest JakJak
We miss you Kaji
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