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Old 04-21-2010, 06:32 AM   #9
lil fu fu girl
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Originally Posted by CarolineH120 View Post
hey well chloe got her first shot last night it was the dappi + LC I told the vet about yorkie talk coz she looked at me as if i had too heads and told me that all pups that had come here get lepto. i go back in four weeks for her next jab. she said that if chole doesnt have the lepto she cant go out. so im lost what to do. the shot last night has made her sleepy today just.
Hi and congratulations on your new little one!

There is always great debate on YT surrounding the Leptospirosis vaccination. Here in the North East, we have numerous cases of Leptospirosis coming in, so the shot is definitely recommended if you plan on taking your pups out at all. While in other locations in America, cases are at a minimum. Leptospirosis has flu-like symptomology, which tends to fade and then reappear. However, liver and kidney destruction could be significant. Not to mention, Leptospirosis can be transferred to humans, and this is cause for alarm when you have children or immune-compromised individuals within your home.

When I got my two the shot, I had the vet give them both steroids an hour before the shot. This will help to counteract any negative immune response. Leptospirosis is carried not only by wild animals, but cats are also carriers, and they do not show any signs or symptoms while infected.
JVMA has also issued warnings about the longevity of the bacterium. So say an infected animal urinates on the grass in your front yard, and morning dew develops on that spot, your pups can acquire the bacterium from the dew that has become infected.

I would definitely check within your region to see exactly how many cases there are, and then weigh the facts. However, if it is demanded, then I would definitely suggest the steroid, and staying at the vets after the shot for about 45 minutes just to make sure that there are no after affects that need to be addressed.

Best of luck

Last edited by lil fu fu girl; 04-21-2010 at 06:35 AM.
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