Thread: Worm
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Old 04-15-2010, 09:22 PM   #7
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oh man I JUST went through this and spaghetti STILL aint happening in my house just get a paper towel or some gloves and SLOWLY pull it out if it offer and resistance STOP!! it could be a tape work and they can get all tied together and other yucky things. do not remove it unless you can remove the whole thing. In tape worms if you remove the whole thing and the head remains it can regrow its body I know your totally gaging right now i was to. And it gets grossser i checked every piece of stool for like a week after to see if they were all out some are REALLY REALLY small like the width of your hair and some arre spaghetti sized so be prepered!!
Rachael: Owned by Penny Love and Sienna Rose
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