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Old 04-06-2010, 12:50 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Yorkiedaze View Post
I keep reading about people having pet problems with dry itchy skin and others with flea problems and just wanted to share some things with you that really work and can end the dry skin and flea problems once and for all.

First I want to say that most commercial shampoos contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. (SLS) SLS is used as a sudsing ingredient in nearly all commercial shampoos. SLS is a solvent used in industrial degreasers.

Traditional Castile Soap is made from olive oil and sometimes contains coconut oil as well. It's remarkable gentle and moisturizing. You can also add 24 drops of one of the essential oils to repel fleas and ticks, such as cedar, citronella, lemon grass, lavender, geranium, myrrh, or eucalyptus.

Next I rinse them with apple cider vinegar and water. (3 tablespoons to a pint of water). If there is an out break of fleas, use equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and put in a spray bottle and spray over the dog or cat and allow pet to drip or shake dry. The apple cider vinegar will acidify the skin making it unattractive to fleas and ticks. Here are more reasons to use apple cider vinegar: For an infected ear, use 5 ml of the 50:50 vinegar water solution per 20 lbs (9 kg) of body weight, applying the solution with a syringe obtained from your local pharmacy. Gently rub in the solution then wipe the inside of the ear with a soft cotton ball. This should be done daily for 5 days.

The vinegar helps to control the growth of unfriendly bacteria and other microorganisms that are a common cause of ear infections, and as a result, this will help keep your pets from scratching their ears.

This what and how I use these. First I buy Dr. Bronners Baby Mild Liquid Soap, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Retail Store: Baby Mild Liquid Soap - 16 oz.

You can even dilute this down to 1/2 cup per 2 gallons of water. I like to run about 4 gallons of water in the bath tub and give a couple squirts of the castile soap, put all three girls in and give them a shampoo. You don't need lots of suds to get them clean. Rinse, rinse and rinse again then as the final rinse use the apple cider vinegar rinse. Don't rinse it off.

Now your probably wondering how I condition to keep knots out. Well I've never found a conditioner that "really" worked on my cotton coated Razael, but I did find something that works better than anything I have ever used, and believe you me, I've used them all! It's called PetSilk Liquid Silk. PetSilk Liquid Silk - PetSilk Products
"AFTER" they are dry (I say this because if you put this on them before they are finished rubbing themselves on the carpet and sofa, they may be a magnet for dust) I rub this into the leg hair and anywhere else that mats easily, then I put about a dime size in my palm, rub hands together and finish them on the face and lightly over the body. You will be amazed at how easily the brush and comb go thur the hair. I know this product is a bit pricy, but to me, it's worth it's weight in gold.

I hope I have helped with any problems you have been experiencing with your fur babies.

Thank You for these great tips!!!

I too use Dr. Bronners Baby Mild Liquid Soap for Cerise and have suggested it before. It works WONDERS for the skin!!! And it does not dry the hair out. I don't get why people can't seem to get to understand that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is not good for a sensitive Yorkies skin or hair Just because a product says it's for a dogs skin and hair doesn't make it good. Most of the grooming products are junk just like cheap human grooming products. They are packaged and being marketed for the pet industry. I will find the Pet Silk and try it and the essential oil drops too!
life with my Cerise
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