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Old 03-22-2010, 09:53 AM   #5
Mardelin Yorkshire Terriers
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Originally Posted by Nancy1999 View Post
We've had several threads about this before, and from what I understand, some breeders left AKC for other registries a while back. The other registries enticed them and gave free membership and other things, however breeders found that the other registries initial promises weren't kept, and wanted back in with the AKC. Lets say you had two AKC dogs and registered their offspring with another registry, if these puppies were initially registrable, you can still register them or their offspring, although, the dogs in question, have to come from AKC registrable stock.

Concerning misslissa comment, this is a different program, mixed breeds are not "registered" their names are listed, and they can compete in non-conformance types of events, they have to be neutered, so this is only for pet owners who want their dogs to compete in things like agility, not for breeders who want to register mix breeds. This program started because many people have rescues and wanted all their dogs to be able to compete in training programs.
There is also the Q register.....speak to "your breeder" about this as she can explain it with expertise. It's something she monitors as so, that exhibitor/breeders get bit by this type of registery, by somehow obtaining one of these dogs in our pedigree.
Yorkshire Terriers
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