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Old 03-13-2010, 11:32 PM   #13
YorkieTalk Newbie!
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Location: West Jordan, Utah
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Originally Posted by joeys mom View Post
I agree with most of what you guys are saying, but I wonder the age of some of the people are that are getting them so young. We all know, you learn by experience. My daughter was (an immature) 19yr old that went to GA with her boyfriend, his sister, and his mother. They stopped at a flea market and she bought a minature pom that was 6 weeks old for $600.. Didn't have enough sence about her to get up and feed the dog through out the night, I got a call at 3am with her screeming. Tiffy had a seizure. I went down with kayo corn syrup. And you know the rest!!! She has been raised knowing how to take care of animals. But yet, she did this... I think alot of it is due to being young. All the breeder cared about was getting the money or that poor puppy would still have been with her mom. They did at least give her some nutra-cal that was left in the van. I have never liked his mom due to her letting her get an animal so young and small and so far away from home. She never got the papers on her. Just wanted to throw in another view. Can't explain why anyone that is mature would do something like that. Most of us get smarter as we age and know what the concequences can be to do this, guess we just have to learn our own lesson, but the poor doggies don't get a say in it. That is a shame!
I don't agree that it's age-that's an unfair characterization. I'm fairly young, but am very responsible and mature, and have been for a while. I am a pet owner, as well as a parent. It's not fair to say that I must be immature because of my age or lack of "experience". Some people I know are in their 60's and have not had the experience to make them mature, where some that I know are in their 20's and have more experience and maturity than the first group. You can't use age as a scapegoat.
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