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Old 03-13-2010, 02:09 PM   #2
Pixie and Daisy
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Originally Posted by Princes mom View Post
I've been reading some threads about someone who wants to get (or maybe has already gotten) a 6 week old yorkie, and is clearly not prepared, nor informed about the breed.
Points to consider:
1. Read the comments from the knowledgeable yorkie owners here on YT. Everyone wants to help...we all love dogs, especially yorkies. No one is going to intentionally mislead you.
2. If you have to leave a newborn alone while you work, don't get him/her. There will be a better time.
3. If you are overly concerned about the cost of a petsitter, don't get him/her. Yorkies are very expensive to upkeep. The only thing that is cheap is their food, because it lasts a long time. (The food that most of the members here use is top quality and expensive, but will last a while since our babies are so little.)
4. What if your baby has something like CT or LP, and requires several vet visits, emergency hospital visits, and expensive medication. If you are concerned about a petsitter, will you be able to take care of the monetary needs of their health care?????
5. Why get a dog if you are not ready?
Just wondering...
Such a great post!!! I agree. We waited to get our yorkie when i could be home. Yorkies get lonely and even when I go to the gym for 1-2 hrs Pixie has Daisy but I just feel awful leaving......... I don;t understand how some people think that they are going to housebreak a dog when they are not going to be home for 8 hrs. ugh I feel so sorry for the puppy when it has to leave its litter mates and then be left alone all day in a crate. Why Why................ is exactly right!
Proud Mom of Daisy and Pixie
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