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Old 03-12-2010, 04:38 PM   #13
Pixie and Daisy
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Originally Posted by BowBizDogBows View Post
Great post!

Bella is always in the backseat in her carrier which is secured by the seatbelt. She LOVES going for car rides (although she can't see anything at all from her vantage point). She just has to peer out through the mesh, low on the back seat & enjoy the vibrations of the ride.

I've wondered about the booster seats - but, being an overly-protective mom, I find they seem so "open". Are the little ones only secured via leash? Is that safe? (I don't mean to question your care for your babies, I'm sincerely wondering - because if it's all good, I want one! ) Pardon my ignorant question but what if you brake suddenly, don't they fly off their booster seat and are left hanging by their leash? (How's that for a visual ). I just prefer Bella in her all enclosed carrier which I know is tightly secured via seatbelt - she's not going anywhere!

All that being said... as a mommy who likes to pamper her baby, if Bella could 100% safely enjoy a view, that'd be fantastic! Can someone explain to me what happens if you stop suddenly or (worse) are involved in a collision and your little one is on a booster seat?

- Signed, overly protective mom

Edited to add: I'm sorry - I don't mean to hijack sweet Daisy & Pixie's thread with my question(s).
The snoozer is as safe as a car seat for a toddler. It is secure the same way with strapping it into the car and then seatbelting them in.You hook the seatbelt to their harness.
I agree with putting the car seat in the back seat. the snoozer does have a strap to hold them in and it has a safety strap to strap into the back seat so it is safe that is why I am going with the snoozer.Snoozer Pet Products - Dog Car Seats - Dog Beds - Dog Carriers I have heard good reviews.

since I got the car seat from pet co Pixie loves looking out the window and does not get car sick. I hate the one from pet co bc there is really no sides on it so I glued a pet bed in it. It does strap into the car and then it has a harness you secure her in it with. I just think the snoozer is nicer made. I think both her and Daisy will like it being able to cuddle and look ou the window. I feel Comfortable that will be safe
So maybe you should check it out for Bella.
I wish Pixie liked her carrier but she goes insane jumping around hitting her head I was a wreck just driving to the vets, I was always afraid she was going to give herself a head injury. lol she was like the tazmania devil in that carrier. I even tried buying a soft one and that was worse she would try to bite her way out of it. lol she was a wild woman in it!! So for me and my sanity I have to go with a car seat. lol
Proud Mom of Daisy and Pixie
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