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Old 03-11-2010, 08:15 PM   #26
Rizzo's mom
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Default Glad your baby is back a story to warm your heart

I am so glad for your happy ending..that must have been the longest night of YOUR LIFE! It is good to know that there are honest people out there and your baby was not harmed or injured God knows what could have happened to him.
Finding a way to know that he is safe from getting out when you are not home will help so you deal better. Hope you get his microchip ASAP
Your story reminds me of this........
Many years ago my son brought home a dog after soccer practice that he said looked lost with no collar or ID. The dog looked like he was a well groomed house dog and well taken care of and out of place "on the streets"! My son's instincts where right on.....he knew from me always bringing home lost pets that the dog would be safer with us and not roaming the streets alone at night. We put him up and made him cozy for the night.
Early the next morning a husband & wife came to the door with flyer about a missing dog when my son (who happened to answer the door) tell them he thought we had their dog. The lady let out a blood curdling scream so loud that it just about broke our ear drums. She just about trampled us over getting to the dog sleeping in the laundry room-(who was hers by the way) and was sobbing because like you she had been out all night putting up flyers on trees, ringing doorbells and imagining the WORST!

When she found out the my son Chris had brought her baby to our home to keep him safe until we found her owner she hugged and squeezed him until he was red with embarrassment (he was like 12) She came back with a $200.00 cash gift for Chris which I thought was unneccessary because he did it out of his heart and did not ask for a reward.... but he was a kid and she insisted he take it!

The moral of the story is there are good people out there and you and your baby encountered them and I wish you both the best!

Loree Sydney RoseLacey Rose Foster Mommy to Rocco
Rizzo mommy misses you my sweet darling
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