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Old 11-20-2005, 05:35 AM   #7
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: VA
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by ldenise
welcome to YT and congrats on the new born. when is it due?
Well,as far as when looks to be the first or second week of Dec. so far for the new Mom. {accident breeding. sigh} W've got three large snuggle nest beds. and a whelping box. I've got on stand by if needed two vets and pupppy milk, extra blankets and such.

BeBe the Mom is a retired breeder/show dog. and my brother in law {14} was watching the dogs. {her son who was leaving the next day for a show} when BeBe snuck in a heat that wasn't watched for cause the vet here said she would no longer at 8 have any more puppies cause they had somethnig doen. I'm not sure what. but the Vet swears she shouldn't been able to have them. so this is ahigh risk pregency. and I'm scared to death. as this is the first and last birth of puppies I'll be involved in. my Mother in Law is going to have BeBe if the vet oks it to have her spayed. and Biggins her little stud muffin since he's not doing so hot at the shows will be neutered as of the 1st half of Jan when he comes home. and my puppy once it's old eugh male or female will be spayed or neutered. no papers will be given and all new parents will be made very aware of the "how toos of " puppies parents.

right now I'm trying to make a list of three responable local new puppies owners. wish me luuck. around here alot of locals think it's okay they bred. sigh..... not sure how rescues do it. but I copied a rescue form off a rescue site adn are asking questions and making a file on the new parents. my question is how much should I ask for as a adopt fee for these puppies?

as I know by research free puppies aren't always treated so nice. but I don't think anyone should pay $500. or more for a puppy that may have troubles later. if BeBe has only two puppies we're keeping them and neutering and spaying everyone. if more i've my list.

Eggs aka Angel
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