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Old 02-22-2010, 02:22 PM   #25
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I posted this in your other thread, but I'm going to repost here in hopes you see it. OP I hope you comeback, I really do.

To NatNatt:
I'm sorry your threads didn't turn out the way you hoped. I really am. But, you have to understand that this is a yorkie community in which every single person on here adores their yorkie baby as if it was a human child. At least I do, my boy is my baby, my pride and joy. Every person that responded to any of your threads meant well and in no way was trying to be disrespectful. Each one of us has you and your future yorkie baby's health and happiness in mind.

Now to answer your question, potty training is quite easy, although it is a long process. Leaving a potty pad for the first time does not mean a puppy of 6 weeks, 12 weeks, or even a one year old will know what that means. You will need to decide whether crate training, or an expen will be right for you. For either one, you MUST take your baby to the pad every two hours, or maybe 1 hr in your case since your baby is so young, meaning his/her bladder will be very very tiny, and give a potty command like "go pee pee" or something. Wait 15 to 20 mins and if nothing happens in that time, take him/her back to the crate or expen and wait 10 mins and try again until he/she potties successfully. PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE if he/she does. You'll also need a good accident cleanup spray, like Nature's Miracle. Use it as indicated or the enzymes won't have enough time to do their magic and your baby will be able to smell pee and will want to go there again. #1 key to making this work, BE CONSISTENT. Buy a timer if you have to, to make sure you are taking your baby to the pad every hour or two on the hour. Keep the pad in the exact same place. Don't move it, you want him/her to learn it's location. Remember that accidents happen, and getting emotional will only make things worse and confuse your baby. Quickly clean up any accidents and try again. Your baby will learn to use the piddle pads with time.

However, in order for the above to work, you will need a baby that is alive and well. Potty training itself is a time consuming process that requires you to be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, in order for him/her to be successful, especially since your baby will be as young as you described. In order to keep a baby that young alive, you will need constant feedings in which you will need to actively help to make sure your baby is eating enough. You will need to keep an eye on him/her and make sure they are getting enough sleep, and keep an eye out for the hypoglycemic attacks that mean your baby does not have proper blood sugar and you will need to feed your baby some nutrical in order to get him/her feeling better. And if all goes well, and your baby grows up to be a physically healthy dog, you and you alone will be responsible to properly socialize your furbaby so that it responds properly to life with people and other animals. Something mom and or it's litter mates would have helped to teach these basic life lessons.

I really hope you comeback and listen to what is being said. We're all trying to help.
Littlest JakJak
We miss you Kaji
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