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Old 02-10-2010, 06:04 AM   #27
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Staten Island NY
Posts: 350

I used to fly first class all the time with my yorkie on Delta up to last year when she passed away. It depends on the type of plane. If it is is the type that has no room for under seat storage in First due to equipment placement then you can't take pets on but I almost always was allowed. Jessie loved to fly. Like others have said, it depends on the fight attendants. Most had no problem with me taking her out of the bag for awhile but the rules are to remain in bag. I had flight attendants who were dog lovers actually encourage me to take her out so they could play with her. I had one flight attendant insist that I take half of her turkey sandwich for Jessie to eat after we landed, when she heard that the dog hadn't eaten that morning. (I only gave her a small piece of bread since she didn't eat much people food but my husband said the sandwich was pretty good. LOL) I had another flight attendant tell me she would take Jessie into the galley area so she could walk around and pee, if she had to. I politely declined . Mostly she slept through the flights and only woke upon descent. Most people never knew there was a dog on the plane. Some tips:

The sherpa bag is excellent but make sure the dog is used to it. Take the dog on adventures with it before flying.

I never fed or gave water to my dog before flying, I would take her for a walk right before I entered security and then during the flight let her suck on an ice cube or give her small amounts of water. Towards the end of the flight I would give her some food and water, if she wanted it.

I never medicated her and she remained calm-something about the motion of the plane.

I was never asked for any documents in 10 years of flying with her but I always had them just in case.

I never minded layovers if I had enough time to go outside security and walk her. Otherwise, I would try to avoid them unless the overall flight time was 8 hours or less.

I plan to take Jamie, my new yorkie, on an airplane but I am waiting until she is a little older. I am getting her used to the bag, meanwhile.

I had so many great experiences with Jessie on vacation and I'm so glad I always took her with me.
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