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Old 02-08-2010, 05:13 PM   #1
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Posts: 24
Unhappy I think I took on too much...I don't think I can keep both of pups

I feel like a TERRIBLE person. I love yorkies, I really do. I absolutely love both of my boys. I wanted only one yorkie but when I saw both sitting in the pet store (been there a whole week). It tore my heart out. I had to get both because I couldn't imagine the other one all alone. I really shouldn't have done that though.

I am struggling to train them. They don't want to play with me or be groomed or work on training. They just want to play and fight with each other. Romeo is very calm (he has a bad knee) and wants to do training (he is housetrained, good at grooming and is quickly learning how to sit, stay, etc). Marley is more baby-ish and wants to play, play, play. He is pretty good about housetraining (not 100% yet) but HATES grooming and he just never is calm. The kids adore him because of his playfullness, but it is overwhelming me.

I am home almost all day because I go to school and take mostly online classes. I have two young daughters (5 and 8) as well. My youngest has Aspergers and can be a handful. We just pulled her out of preschool on Friday due to some major issues. So, now I have to homeschool her and it will take more energy. I feel between school, kids and my business, I am running low on energy. I need a calm, down-to-earth dog that fits my personality better.

My husband and I decided that we need to re-home little Marley (the tiniest of the two) because he is more active and he doesn't have any health problems like his brother. It is so hard for me and I feel terrible. Now, I am trying to figure out how to find a good home for him and that is super tough too. I should have followed my original plan and only get one.

I just had to get that out. I feel so guilty but I also know my limits. I am crossing my fingers that I find a good home for him (I just have him listed on our local kijiji site).
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