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Old 01-29-2010, 08:27 PM   #1
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Question Maxwell Has To Have Surgery

I've been shaken up off and on all afternoon over this I found a tooth today that was so loose, I panic, a bit He has never had his teeth pulled since he still has his baby teeth. I've been belonging this for quite a while until it was necessary. If they had to do one tooth, why not the rest I was thinking before I got to the Vet. She wasn't worried about the one tooth, but the other baby teeth that are still there. I gave in and he is scheduled next week to have his teeth pulled. Have any of you all had you dog's teeth removed for whatever reason~?

Then I brought the subject up of neutering. Have any of you neutered your dogs when they were getting their teeth pulled~? What are your experiences with this~? I'm just not sure about the neutering. I know a neighbor who had his Shiz Tsu neutered, and it seem like his personality changed after that. Maxwell was the first to meet him when he moved in (a son got his Dad this dog to help him get out and exercise after his heart surgery. The man quit riding his bike and everything. Now he walks him daily). Poor guy, Maxwell put him in a wrestling hold whenever they meet now. Before they would kind of play together. Will Maxwell loose that playfulness if he got neutered~? What else changes~?

Anyways, the Vet told me to sleep on it and make a decision and not do anything that I am not comfortable or unsure of. I guess I have my memories of my cat that didn't make it thru surgery (at another Vet) and I had no choice but to put him to sleep ( and I was there for it and it was tramatic).
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