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Old 01-21-2010, 02:50 PM   #1
Chloes dad
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Kenosha,wi,USA
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Default Anyone ever had issues with petco groomers?

Hello everyone, just felt like venting a little frustration. Let me start off by saying that I am about as laid back as you get, And it really takes a lot to anger me. But I was not only angry with my local Petco groomer, But really disappointed. I was extremely exited to go get Chloe's first cut. I went down to my local Petco, And like a nervous dad I was asking a million questions and not really getting much of a response, Kinda like without saying it the groomer was telling me shut (In her defense I was probably being over protective as a first time dog owner.) Anyhow after leaving her, and going shopping as they told me it was gonna be around 4 hours, She called me & informed me that Chloe had a bit of matting on the interior of her hind legs. I was mortified, I thought i had been doing such a good job of grooming her. I brushed her everyday and never felt a mat...but obviously i must of overlooked it, I mean shes not gonna lie? She then informed me that the cut might have to be altered due to this. I completely understood and as she informed me first time puppy cuts may not be perfect due to them being fidgety. I told her if she had to shave or go short on the inside of the legs then maybe she could blend the rest of the legs to match with the rest of the coat. she said sounds good and that was the end of the conversation.

Well, when i came to get her I was shocked!!! She was shaved, And i mean shaved! her hair was an 1/8th of an inch long all except her head which kinda resembled a lion. She told me she felt it best to just keep it all one length. I was dumbfounded. But as I said I am pretty laid back and its just hair it will grow back. However this is what made me angry, it took me a minute to realize she was wearing a bandanna. as I was so stunned from the cut. I then realized she had no hair on top for a top knot which i was so looking forward to, I asked "Wait i thought we discussed a bow?" She replied "Why would you want a bow on a boy?" that's when i finally snapped. How much attention was my baby given, If the groomer didn't even realize she was a girl? I mean c'mon. lol so I know its just hair and it will return, But We wont be returning to Petco that's for sure.
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