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Old 01-09-2010, 05:20 PM   #11
Miss Behavin
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Bal Harbour, Florida
Posts: 126

Originally Posted by Britster View Post
I agree! My boy is 12lbs too and just loves to playplayplay and he's a really fast runner. I've been around multiple yorkies who just do the same thing, it makes me sad for the dog =[ I know sometimes it's just the dogs personality but it still makes me sad.
Oh god! Pips, too! You know those (don't know the name) things that pitch tennis balls reallly far? Pippi will outrun a herd of dogs eager to get it. The good thing w/her is, she'll bring it back. Her favorite toy, though, is her Flippy-Flopper frisbee. She'll play for 2 hours then I still have to throw it to her when we get home! I live on the ocean, but there's a grassy area in which to play. I think dogs are prohibited, but nobody has said anything... yet Yeah, I don't really understand why bigger yorkies aren't wanted as much They're so much fun, but soo sweet, loving, and cuddly at the same time. But yeah, when someone brings a teenie tiny dog, all dressed up like a doll, I question their motives: did they want a dog or a doll? B/c they just don't have the spunk, or the poor dogs are too confined in their fancy clothes. It is sad
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