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Old 01-07-2010, 09:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ladyjane View Post
Before I even speak to a potential adopter, I ask for a vet reference and call to see how they have vetted their previous and present pets.

Anyone who loves animals and is sincere should not have a problem with any questions. They should respect you for caring enough to make sure you are placing a pup in a good home.

Some questions to ask:
Why do you want a yorkie?
Have you researched the breed? (I always ask them what they know about yorkies.)
Do you own your home or rent?
If you rent, are pets allowed?
If you had to move and you could not take your pet, what would you do?
Do you have a pool?
How will you housebreak?
If your pup develops issues such as chewing, how will you deal with this?
Where will the pup spend his/her day time hours?
How many hours/day will the pup be left alone?
Where will the pup sleep?
Do you have a yard and is it securely fenced?
If not, how will your pup go outside? What if it is raining?
How many people live in your home?
Do children live in your home and/or visit? Ages?
If so, do they have experience with small dogs?
If you lost your job, had to move, or had a baby what would you do with your pup?
If your pup needed emergency surgery that might cost $3,000 what would you do?

There are SO many questions to ask. I feel it is better to have a form completed and then go from there. That way you can just follow up on the answers. I find that most people who really love yorkies talk a LOT. I normally do not find myself needing to ask many questions...they usually tell me most of what I want to hear. The key is to LISTEN. Give them a chance to either promote or discredit happens without prodding quite often! I used to be shocked at some of the things people felt it was ok to tell me....not anymore.

Great answer... we do talk a LOT .
and i ask even more questions than the ones listed.
You can not always judge character, but i go with my guts.
And the most important, have very written contract , be ready to fight for the well being of your puppies always and let anyone know that. If the prospect owners are true dog lovers they will appreciate it.
Do not be afraid to offend anyone or ask to see proof of anything you feel like you need to see proof.

"The reason a dog has many friends is because it wags it's tail instead of it's tong " [I] /I][
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