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Old 12-15-2009, 04:49 PM   #1
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Default Oh man...should I go??

My daughter in law is friends with a young lady who lives in the first house me and my husband owned. We bought it 28 years ago and labored long and hard remodeling it to it's grandeur. We owned an antique shop at the tme so the entire house was lovingly restored and furnished to the period the home was built. We stripped and refinished all of the woodwork and hard wood floors which included taking the stairway apart, numbering it and putting it back together once we had it done. The stairs go up to a landing and then up to the second floor so there was a lot of woodwork involved. We also put an inground pool and concrete patio in the back yard, had a new stone fireplace built etc... Well, now I've been invited to see the house again...but...she told me they painted all of the woodwork white This house has big pillars going from the entry into the parlor and huge pocket doors going from the parlor to the dining room and she said it's all white now but they took the pocket doors out and built a wall to divide those rooms.

I know the people we sold it to didn't take very good care of the house (actually, the did a lot of damage) so it did need to be remodeled but...I'm so nervous and curious all at the same time! Should I go? Would you go? I ust remember how much work it was and how hard we worked to refinish all of that, stairs, floors, doors...and now it's all white. I know it's no longer my home and all of that but man...I'll probably have nightmares tonight now! LOL!
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