Thread: Woody or Tiger
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Old 12-10-2009, 05:05 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by BamaFan121s View Post
Interesting...I actually understand both points. No, Tiger was the one that took vows, he is the one that broke them, not the women...they didn't make any. It may be a sin in God's eyes, but not everyone lives their lives according to the gospel...not everyone even believes in God, for that matter. Regardless to what our own religious believes and values are, not everyone else in this world believes the same thing or places the same value on those beliefs.

Do I think these other women were too blame as well? You betcha I do. I think that 'married guys should not be pursued' is just sort of an unwritten rule. I can't say that they knew for certain he was married--I can easily see how someone wouldn't know that--but you can dang sure bet they knew who he was! I fully believe they were in it thinking they would get something out of it in the end and I think it speaks volumes about their character that they are so willing to step forward and openly flaunt their "loose" lifestyle. (I tend to think of that as being something one should be ashamed to admit...not something to brag about.) I can see why his wife would be upset with them, but at the same time, why would it matter to them? What's she to them? Nothing.

Having said that, I don't think this aspect is one that has a "right" or "wrong" answer. There is no "answer", only differing opinions and people's opinions and how they view things are just that...opinions, not facts that can be declared as right or wrong. The arguments being made here all boil down to what one's religious and morals beliefs are...and I don't think that declaring ones believe's (or lack) there of is something any of use have the right to judge.
I wasn't judging anyone...I was saying is that I, personally, feel that each person involved is at fault in one way or another. I brought God into it without even thinking about it because this is how I live my it's tough for me to keep religion out of it.

In the end, I am sad for Tiger's family....I even feel sad for Tiger. I know, GASP! Yes, he made these decisions, but I can't help heart goes out for others that are hurting, whether it's self-inflicted or not. It's an AWFUL thing that he has done and he has to now live with the mess that he created.
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