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Old 11-11-2005, 11:20 AM   #5
Yorkie Mum
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Posts: 364

I realize that no one was attacked so let try again
These are my thoughts on this article. If I could access the article and find the person and how they train I have a better idea but this article is full of what I consider mistakes and wrong info and that is what I am commenting on.
7) Allot a morning and evening session of 20 minutes over a period of two months before judging the This is not enough time to do the job right or well. All day every day every interaction with the dog, is a most.

This problem generally becomes apparent when the dog first reaches sexual maturity at 8-10 months of age. Can appear anytime , as it can build do to lack of training in a dog or a traumatic event.

Pit bull--- As a breed of dog becomes popular dogs with unstable or poor temperaments are bred by breeders to produce more income.
The worse breed or should I say one of the worse offenders is a lab and a golden. Yes pit bite and shake. I have first hand knowledge of such an attack but the breed should not be punished for a few bad apples or should I say bad owners.

When an owner presents me with a situation where their dog has attacked or might attack their children, my first response (the safest for all concerned) is to find a new, loving home for the dog with a family with no small children. Often, it only takes my reassurances that this is the right thing for everybody concerned for them to comply. If they plan to replace the dog,
If you can not fix the problem you have made do not pass it on to someone else without them being well aware of what they are getting. Do not replace that dog until the owner is willing to see the errors of their ways and not repeat the same mistake again.

You really cannot predict which families will be successful in modifying their dog’s behavior. I then provide them with the name and address of a dog trainer I trust. I let them know that the success rate in modifying this behavior is less than fifty percent. Here are some of the things I suggest they do and don’t do during this training:
Yes, you can predict to some extent the ones that will fail at rehab. they are the ones blaming the dog and not getting the job done.

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