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Old 11-10-2005, 03:00 PM   #8
SoCalyorkiLvr's Avatar
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Originally Posted by hle_625
I know that some big dogs do well around big dogs but... these dogs are a different story. I took Chloe over there one day and that will be the last time that I do that they would not stop barking the whole time and they would show their teeth and growl at her she was scared to death so the big dogs went in the garage while we were there. But who knows they could warm up to a little puppy but someone would need to be there to supervise them for a couple of weeks or so before they just leave her there by herself with them. I would be so upset if they decided to get one and then just let her run freely with the big dogs knowing how they reacted to my baby.
I would hope they wouldn't do that either. Obviously they need to get the baby when they can take a vacation from work and spend at least a full week or two getting the new puppy acclimated especailly if it is less than 16 weeks old when they bring it home. IMO yorkie puppies need 24/7 care until 16 weeks.

I would recommend this to anyone who works and is planning on getting a puppy. What would be even better is if one took two weeks and then the other took two weeks and that would give the puppy one full month of adjustment with someone home all the time.

I think the labs need some socialization it sounds like or to introduce the puppy on neutral gorund rather than in their territory, their house, like you did by mistake with your baby. I have heard that it is best to go to a park or somewhere like that or even to take the other dogs to the breeder's house to meet their new addition at least once before they bring it home.

Some yorkie breeders won't sell to people with big dogs. I had one say no to me but after she met my poodle and saw how gentle and even protective he was, she changed her mind. I think it wold defintiely be important to make sure the big dogs are well trained and that the humans are the "alphas and in control because then the big dogs will know that they need to protect the new "baby" and not hurt it.

If the humans have not established dominance and control of the pack then there could definitely be trouble.

Just curious abut their work hours and what they do for a living?
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