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Old 11-30-2009, 09:33 AM   #2
Mom to Hot Rod
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Hi there.

Can you put the crate in the pen and leave the door open for him? this way, he can go in and out of it so he can get comfortable with it. I would put a t-shirt or something with your scent on it in the bottom of the crate so he can smell you and know that it's not a bad thing.

When we first got Hot Rod, he was in a crate for as long as it took to get an expen. I had his crate, pee pad and food and water in the pen. He and Maggie still go into the pen at night only now there are a couple of beds and tons of their blankies. lol

I say to them, "night-night" and they, for the most part go in on their own to sleep. Hot Rod's crate is still in there and he may go into it once in a blue moon.

I've seen other where they've put something like a plastic shower curtain underneath and then the pee pad so if they miss, it is no big deal. If I need to put either one of them in a carrier, they go into it, they don't like it but they settle down.

Good luck, it was the best thing we did for us.
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