Thread: Christmas Angel
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Old 11-11-2009, 01:55 PM   #1
Owned by Fiona
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Location: griffithsville, WV, US
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Default Christmas Angel

This has nothing to do with my yorkie but needed to talk about it! Like everyone else these days my husband and I were having financial hard times. Yesterday he went to the dentist and had to max out our credit card (we only have one, we try not to use credit any more then we have to) to pay the bill and he is scheduled to have a root canal on monday. We didn't even have enough money in the bank to get gas to take our boys to the doctor this morning to get flu shots. But this morning everything changed. I logged onto our bank account early this morning to see how much my husbands check would be this week (it is direct deposited on thur. but shows up on wed). The check was already in the bank and it was the biggest he has ever gotten. He worked a lot of overtime last week. SO I took my boys to the doctor where my mother in law is the office manager. When I was leaving, after the boys shot, she handed me a check for $150. She said to help pay for the root canal. I needed to get a few groceries and started at Target. My boys were looking at "the one spot" in the front of the store at the toys and I was telling them not toys today. A lady in a power wheel chair comes up and gives them both a dollar. I let them pick out a toy and paid with my debit card and put the 2 dollars in my pocket. We went to wal-mart to finish getting groceries and as I was checking out a young man in a dirty white t-shirt approached me. He asked if he could ask me a question. I said yes of course and he told me he had 3 children and he wanted to trade me something for food or diapers. I get really nervous when I talk to strangers and all I could think was I didn't have any money to give him. He told me he was sorry for bothering me and walked away. I pushed my cart to the checkout a few feet away and suddenly remembered the 2 dollars in my pocket from the lady in the wheel chair. I also had an envelope in my purse with $10 dollars that I was saving for Christmas. I turned to yell at him to come back to give him the money but he was gone. I walked around looking for him in the store and parking lot but couldn't find him. I have felt bad all day that I didn't remember the money. I had been given money all day and I couldn't give this stranger a few bucks! He may not have needed it for his family but that was beside the point. I think he was my Christmas angel or a test maybe and I failed miserably! I will be on the look out for another angel from now on, if I am chosen to get one again after today!

What do you think? I have the $2 with me here and have been tying to think of what to do with it. IT is only $2 but I have a few more I can add as of today.
Ashlee, proud to be owned by Gracie (Standard Poodle),Ellie (Maltese) and Fiona (Yorkie) RIP my sweet Sam
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