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Old 11-08-2009, 03:45 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Gennies View Post
Oh, Poor Jersey!!! A broken leg is the worse! I worried so over Bijou's when she broke her's. My heart goes out to you as it was such a miserable time keeping Bijou down, I really feel for what you're going through. Bijou had to have surgery and was to be crated for 4 weeks with her only being aloud out for potty and meal breaks. I couldn't follow that and held her a lot. Now she's a little firecracker. She can jump up onto the couch (what she fell from that caused her broken leg) and jumps down before you can get to the couch and get her. I swear the little thing's trying to give me a heart attack.

(((((((((((Hugs))))))))))) and prayers for a speedy recovery. Please, let us know what the ortho has to say tomorrow.
Please tell me what to expect, the recoop time how do you keep them still? . I just don't know how this is going to work out with DH and I working FT. I have been trying to set up some sitters. How did Bijou do in the crate. Jersey is not a fan of the crate
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