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Old 11-06-2009, 07:52 AM   #13
pepe mint
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Originally Posted by RachelandSadie View Post
i just don't understand things like just can't trust anyone anymore. if a soldier can just up and murder his fellow soldiers, than how can we trust those who are sworn to protect us, it could be the local fireman or police officer next....our kids are taught to trust them with anything and yet this makes it hard to teach them those things anymore. i would say you can't trust anyone ever in these times.

and the hardest part is that Muslim people already have a bad reputation and are given a negative stereotype since 9/11, this really doesn't help Americans to feel safe and trusting towards Muslim Americans when things like this keep happening to our innocent people and the gunner is of that nationality. why can't people realize that they do themselves and their people NO justice by hurting/killing others it only makes the stereotype and the situation worse for them and their fellow Muslim people. Now American people will have even harder time with their ever increasing trust issues towards the Muslim American people. this didn't solve the problem of racism and stereotypes, it actually made it worse....why didn't this man realize that??
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