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Old 11-01-2009, 09:17 PM   #28
My little Shadow
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Originally Posted by DvlshAngel985 View Post
Admin feel free to move this to the vendor review section as I couldn't access it and felt a need to let other YTers know.
In early Sept I contacted YT vendor Adrianna Balderas wanting information on a Kwigy Bo carrier. I put an order for a Alex Luxe bag and sent her a personal check dated and sent around Sept 28. Having had good communication with her via YT PM, I tried contacting her twice before putting a stop payment on a check. I placed my stop payment on the Oct 7th, and I notified her that same day. My reasons for placing a stop payment was her lack of communication, my paranoia for having sent a personal check by mail, and having checked the Kwigy Bo website the bag I wanted was out of stock anyway. She contacted me on the around the 17th and asked me if I still wanted a bag and that my check was in her possession. I replied on the 17th to her personal email address again letting her know that the check was no longer good and not to cash it. She did anyway on Oct 17th. She went to a check cashing place who then gave her money in exchange for my check.
They have now sent me two letters, which I received yesterday from my dad, it was sent to his address. On the letter the check cashing place says that they are going to sue me for $1000 in punitive damages plus $170 for the amount of the check and a $25 service fee. I gave the check cash place a call after trying to communicate with Adrianna (annamalyssa) with no luck both through personal email and through a YT friend who has helped her in the past. The check cash lady told me that Adrianna use to come in everyday with money orders and checks and they were always able to cash them. Adrianna was a regular customer who often brought Gucci along. They said since Adrianna had been a regular customer for a while they just cashed her check (mine) in good faith not knowing that I had already put a stop payment on the check. Since I signed a check that made me liable for that money even though the check had not been valid for 10 days. The check cash lady said the laws protect her and her employer, an innocent third party, and there is nothing I can do but pay up. I am legally responsible for the amount I mentioned above because I wrote a check. The laws apparently don't protect me.
The check cash lady also shared how much of a hard time they have had trying to locate Adrianna. Her phone number is no longer valid, she no longer stops by everyday as she use to, and the letters that are sent are not answered or acknowledged by Adrianna. Adrianna has simply gone MIA. This last bit of information is what convinced me to start this thread.
This is not a rant, this is just the facts and after my conversation with the check cashing lady I felt it was necessary that I warn my YT family. I am not trying to tarnish her reputation, I just want her actions to speak for themselves. I would have waited but after speaking with someone that assures me that I will be held accountable for $1170, I felt the need to speak up.
But you only contacted me this evening. I did send her an email this evening per yr request hoping to hear from her. I don't know anything about stop paymts, but if you put a stop paymt on it Oct 7, how was she able to cash it Oct 17? As I stated, I hope that all can be resolved. She did in previous emails, mention that she was waiting on 2 bags.

I went back to read her emails & she states:
I have 2 people that ordered Kwigy-Bo's but the brown bag isn't in Stock yet and the black bag is being ordered on the 29th and sent to the buyer.

At that time, you didn't address any problems on other thread, really more concern about what was going on with her.
Ganma-ma to ColeRIPNoahRIP
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