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Old 10-14-2009, 07:24 AM   #9
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I'm not surprised by this at all.....China has the worlds worst quality control standards in the world!......Some food products have been tainted with harmful pesticides which the government has banned but farmers can still buy and use.

China is using toxic chemicals , illegal pesticides , toxic sludge on fruits and vegetables, etc. etc. ....Whatever they can get their hands on to cut costs and sell the product is used, all at the expense of peoples lives......A lot of it comes into the U.S., and we consume this without even knowing it.

This link has just a small fraction listed of contaminated foods from and in China....

FOOD SAFETY IN CHINA - China | Facts and Details

This is an interesting article written in The Washington Post.....

China Food Fears Go From Pets To People -

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 300 million mainland Chinese are affected by food poisoning every year and food safety problems cost the Chinese economy as much as $13 billion a year in medical costs and productivity losses. According to the New China News Agency and Chinese Academy of Preventive Medical Sciences, 500 people suffer food poisoning every day and one third of the foods labeled “nutritious for children” have practically no nutritional value whatsoever.

Don't think for a minute that the organic foods from China is safe....The Chinese government does not allow foreigners to inspect Chinese farms, there's no 'organic' food tradition in China. In China everything is just 'food'. If the Chinese feed the chickens melamine contaminated feed or they put illegal drugs in the water, that is in the chickens and their eggs......This has already happened......Some of the organic producers in the U.S. have also gotten caught up in making bigger profits now that they have contracts with Walmart and Costco so they're cutting corners with their products......The National Organic Program which is an agency within the USDA, is responsible for organics, is severely understaffed and underfunded to do the necessary inspections. Until the organic organizations get tougher laws and more frequent inspections on these violators, "USDA organic" will soon become meaningless.....

Chine is now in charge of producing a huge amount of our "over the counters" and our pharmaceuticals, which is scary since the FDA has not inspected 93% of the factories there. The F.D.A. inspects less than 1 percent of all imports. China now produces about two-thirds of all aspirin and is poised to become the world’s sole global supplier in the not-too-distant future...... The pharmaceutical companies claim they inspect and test the drugs when they come back into the U.S. but from what I've been reading this is a big lie.....We have no way of knowing if the drugs are safe, if they contain the any of the active ingredient or if it's is at a therapeutic level.....This is from the Washington Post article.....

China’s leap to one of the biggest suppliers of pharmaceutical ingredients in the world happened over the last decade, as the Chinese government subsidized the construction of manufacturing plants that have undercut prices everywhere. Generic drug makers in the United States, where price competition is fierce, were the first to seek cheaper drug ingredients in China. Last year, generic drug applications to the F.D.A. listed 1,154 plants providing active pharmaceutical ingredients: 43 percent of them were in China, and another 39 percent were in India. Only 13 percent were in the United States. Branded drug makers, with their fatter profit margins, resisted buying ingredients from China for years, but with their businesses now suffering, even major pharmaceutical companies like AstraZeneca, Bayer, Baxter and Pfizer have announced deals to outsource manufacturing to China.

"The World Health Organization has estimated that as much as 10 percent of pharmaceuticals sold worldwide are counterfeit or contaminated. In some poor countries, the share is more than 30 percent."

If you google "china tainted pharmaceuticals" and "tainted food" you will may not feel so safe eating or taking med's ......
__________________ to : Jake J.J. Jack & Joey, momma misses you.....
The joy found in the companionship of a pet is a blessing not given to everyone.
The two most powerful words when we’re in struggle: me too..

Last edited by jp4m2; 10-14-2009 at 07:26 AM.
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