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Old 09-25-2009, 01:00 AM   #15
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Posts: 515

I left Mia for 3 weeks, and now she is being a brat.
She was very well cared for, but now whenever I sit down she pops up next to me with her ball and growls at me until I play with her.
In the morning I take her out of her crate for cuddle time in bed with me for a bit. I always hope she will go back to sleep, so I give her a chew, and she will only chew it if her butt is pushing up against me. Ummm no thank you!! But 30 minutes more sleep is worth a butt on my arm, leg, shoulder etc...
When I say come on lets go to bed, she runs to the front door....this is a new hubbie would take her pee out front while I was gone, before she would go to bed. (Scares me to death, cause of the coyotes in the hills) Carefully I will let her go in our enclosed court yard...
If anyone in the family goes to the fridge icemaker in the door, that is her cue to run to the fridge and bark until they give her an ice cube.
She does the shopping bag thing too. Thinking if I bring anything home, it must be something for her.
If I am taking a bath she runs to get her ball, and drops it in the tub, bath time is not time for me to rest, but time for her to play ball. The best part of this last one is when we have guests!! If they use the bathroom downstairs the door does not always close all the way. If she hears the bath water running, she does not care who it is...she will shove into the bathroom and drop the ball in !! When my son was over, he was surprised, and happy to play with her! *he's a good sport!
When I take her to my girlfriends house, who has yorkies, she walks in like she owns the place. She thinks she is alpha wherever she goes. She goes to their giant toy basket, and will pull every toy out of the basket and cover the living room floor with each and every one. She is looking for the loudest, most annoying rubber toy ! When she finds it she will squeak it until our eardrums bleed......Then she is happy, and will sit on my lap.

Last edited by sandyapk; 09-25-2009 at 01:02 AM. Reason: wording.
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